I am not lacking in any of the things which you claim to value.
You don’t know what you stand for
Yet you don’t fall for a single fucking thing.
My strength has been proven many times.
No matter how hard others have tried to break me, I have persevered.
I have been cheated. I have been lied to. I have been devalued.
And never have I been like this.
I do not wait for good things to come to me.
But you don’t even qualify as a “good thing.”
I do not play second chair and I refuse to be put on hold.
Some things are worth waiting for.
You’re not one of them.
Why do I care?
Why have I seriously considered
Seriously altering everything about who I am?
To fit some ass backwards notion you have
Of how women are expected to behave?
Fuck you.
I once heard your ego
Was an attempt to counter serious insecurities.
I once thought you were a bigger man than that.
So strong and yet so little on the inside.
How can someone be so high-and-mighty
And yet so fucking ugly inside?
Someone I have admired so much
Has the ability to sicken me.
I would secretly smile at the thought of
You regretting this one day.
But that assumes you have the mental wherewithal
To recognize that you screwed it all up.
You want something to be proud of?
Go fuck yourself.
That sounds like an accomplishment to me.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Let’s Talk About: Crime & Punishment
About four months from obtaining a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from a pretty decent university, I would say I’m somewhat well versed in this matter. Maybe it’s my education that makes me so frustrated by the way other people view the subject but I’d like to think I had common sense before a college education.
I don’t expect the average person to know all the ins and outs of offender motivations or the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. I guess, unfortunately, in reality, the average person doesn’t give much thought to these things. I have always found these things to be of extreme importance and relevance, but that’s why I ended up going to school for it. I have always had a fascination with the topic and, luckily, this fascination has led me to want to pursue a graduate degree in criminal justice when I finish undergrad this June. I do, however, expect my fellow criminal justice students to understand the implication of policies which are currently in place and how that jives with what we know to be effective and what we know to be an absolute failure.
To embrace the truth about the criminal justice system and offenders, you have to be brave. I’m not saying just to be a cop you have to be brave (in fact, quite the opposite, but more on that later). The truth about the criminal justice system and the way it (dys)functions within America is that it is not black and white. People are not just “good” or “bad” and treated accordingly. There are many complexities in offending and reoffending and treatment for offenders. I know there are people out there who understand this better than myself. Unfortunately, it seems these people are not running the justice system.
The people who are running the justice system, or at least playing a huge role in it, are average people. That’s a problem.
One of the clearest manifestations of this fear is the way sex offenders are treated. Prior to Megan’s Law, some states kept record of sex offenders and their whereabouts. Post-Megan’s Law, the public is now able to gain access to this information. While it is quite clear to see how keeping tabs on sex offenders is beyond beneficial for law enforcement officials, the fact the public now feels some sense of entitlement to this information is absolutely atrocious. America was a country founded on freedom and individuality. Why is it any of your business who that man is living down the street?
I would never go so far as to say sex offenders (or any offenders) should have their record cleared after serving their time. That too is atrocious. However, sex offenders – and all other criminals – are still people who should still have the right to privacy that the rest of us enjoy as American citizens. If you go to the site http://www.familywatchdog.us/, it’s possible for you to find information about the sex offenders who live and work in your area. You can see a picture of this person, their specific offense (which most people don’t fully understand anyways), their exact address, their place of employment, even what tattoos they may have. You have got to be kidding me. We are now cataloging the tattoos of sex offenders. Clearly their picture, full legal name, date of birth, address and picture wasn’t enough to help us identify these people.
I sincerely hope the average person never looks at this in an attempt to gauge the safety of their neighborhood or where to let their children play or anything of the sort. You can even find your child’s school on the map, find out how many sex offenders live within a half-mile radius and see their pictures/information in a list. What good does this do? Will you be sure to run out into the street and grab your child if you see this man walking by? How absurd.
If you are not keeping a close enough eye on your child to ensure they are not abducted or molested, you are a complete fool. In fact, parents are usually pretty good about not allowing their children to fall into the hands of strangers. That would be why most sexual assaults are not committed by total strangers. Keeping this in mind, what good could the sex offender registry possibly be? You should be cautious of all new people you meet and even more cautious of who you allow to be in the company of your child without your direct supervision. This stupid registry will not prevent bad parenting or lax supervision. I wish it were possible to stop mentally inferior people incapable of protecting their children from even having children in the first place, but alas, that it totally impossible.
The only thing sex offender registries serves to create is an unreasonable, unjustified sense of fear in the community. Oh no. That poor old guy who has never been properly socialized to interact in a normal manner with his peers just moved in next door. Forget the fact he is clearly beyond troubled. Let’s publish all of his personal information on a website and allow people to post giant signs in his yard which state “Sex Offender Lives Here!” Yes. That is really helping his attempts at reintegrating into society and getting back to a normal life.
The truth is, many sex offenders are successfully rehabilitated. Clearly no method will fully prevent every kind of offender from going back to their bad ways, but can we not give these people the benefit of the doubt? Do we keep a registry of where all the thieves live? People who commit property offenses have great motivation to reoffend. Why don’t we track them? When I come home and my TV is gone, I would like to know where the closest burglar is so I can have the police go fuck with him about my missing flat screen – A flat screen that I obviously didn’t care too much about as I left my apartment door unlocked while I left so someone could easily waltz in and take it. It’s absurd, isn’t it?
If you give a flying fuck about your children (and you should), you should be overly cautious all the time. Not just when there is a sex offender in your neighborhood. There are plenty of new sex offenders just waiting for the opportunity to butt rape little Bobby when you turn your back. Are we so foolish as to think keeping track of existing sex offenders will rape-proof our children?
Please note, I am not attempting to alleviate sex offenders of their responsibility for the atrocious things they have done and the negative lifelong effects their actions will undoubtedly have on their victim. I’m just saying…target hardening is not just some irrelevant theory in my text books. It’s beyond sad that people who like to touch little kids exist. It really and truly is. But, as the non-mentally ill parties in this dynamic, it is our responsibility to help them help themselves. Those parents who thought Michael Jackson was anything but a rich version of the creepy guy in a van with candy are idiots. (The man had every child’s dream in his back yard for God’s sake. Why would you let your son hang out there?)
What spurred all this was a slide in my crime prevention class earlier today where the lovely state of Wisconsin (or some other W-state), has decided to put “sex offender” on the drivers license of convicted sex offenders. In three different places. In case you missed the first two bright red warnings this guy had sex with a girl a few years under the legal age of consent, there are three chances for your retarded ass to catch this. Great.
What pissed me off most was this older woman in the class said “that is a great idea.”
No. Actually, you misinformed, fear-thriving twat, that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Think of all the places you are required to show your state ID. When buying movie tickets? When Test driving a car? When buying a case of beer? Does the idiot working at McDonald’s checking that the name on my credit card and ID match really need to know I’m a sex offender? I think not. Why is it necessary to put someone’s criminal history on their driver’s license? It’s not like it was a DUI and we should be warned this person is getting tanked, swerving all over the road and killing innocent people. (Oh, speaking of offender populations which have a high rate of recidivism!) Sex offenses and driving seem totally unrelated in my opinion. If anyone has any insight on the matter, hook a bitch up. Do you ID people you meet? How could this possibly serve as a deterrent to future offending? In reality, this is just further alienating people, many of which may be trying to move on with a semi-normal life.
Contrary to what the misinformed, fear-thriving general population thinks, offenders feel remorse for their actions. There will always be the few-and-far-between heartless serial killers who will stab you, fuck your dead body (perhaps in your eye socket), stab you a few more times and then eat your body parts. Sure. But in reality, with proper rehabilitation, a lot of these real people gain the empathy they lacked before and understand why what they did was wrong.
It takes a certain amount of faith in our fellow humans to believe this. Maybe that is why people are so eager to condemn the pants off sex offenders. (That joke was funny for so many reasons and I didn't even realize it at first.) We’re willing to believe in a big man in the sky that created the earth in seven days and then sent his son down to walk on water…
But have faith in one another and the inherent good that surely lies somewhere within us all?
Fuck that.
I don’t expect the average person to know all the ins and outs of offender motivations or the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. I guess, unfortunately, in reality, the average person doesn’t give much thought to these things. I have always found these things to be of extreme importance and relevance, but that’s why I ended up going to school for it. I have always had a fascination with the topic and, luckily, this fascination has led me to want to pursue a graduate degree in criminal justice when I finish undergrad this June. I do, however, expect my fellow criminal justice students to understand the implication of policies which are currently in place and how that jives with what we know to be effective and what we know to be an absolute failure.
To embrace the truth about the criminal justice system and offenders, you have to be brave. I’m not saying just to be a cop you have to be brave (in fact, quite the opposite, but more on that later). The truth about the criminal justice system and the way it (dys)functions within America is that it is not black and white. People are not just “good” or “bad” and treated accordingly. There are many complexities in offending and reoffending and treatment for offenders. I know there are people out there who understand this better than myself. Unfortunately, it seems these people are not running the justice system.
The people who are running the justice system, or at least playing a huge role in it, are average people. That’s a problem.
One of the clearest manifestations of this fear is the way sex offenders are treated. Prior to Megan’s Law, some states kept record of sex offenders and their whereabouts. Post-Megan’s Law, the public is now able to gain access to this information. While it is quite clear to see how keeping tabs on sex offenders is beyond beneficial for law enforcement officials, the fact the public now feels some sense of entitlement to this information is absolutely atrocious. America was a country founded on freedom and individuality. Why is it any of your business who that man is living down the street?
I would never go so far as to say sex offenders (or any offenders) should have their record cleared after serving their time. That too is atrocious. However, sex offenders – and all other criminals – are still people who should still have the right to privacy that the rest of us enjoy as American citizens. If you go to the site http://www.familywatchdog.us/, it’s possible for you to find information about the sex offenders who live and work in your area. You can see a picture of this person, their specific offense (which most people don’t fully understand anyways), their exact address, their place of employment, even what tattoos they may have. You have got to be kidding me. We are now cataloging the tattoos of sex offenders. Clearly their picture, full legal name, date of birth, address and picture wasn’t enough to help us identify these people.
I sincerely hope the average person never looks at this in an attempt to gauge the safety of their neighborhood or where to let their children play or anything of the sort. You can even find your child’s school on the map, find out how many sex offenders live within a half-mile radius and see their pictures/information in a list. What good does this do? Will you be sure to run out into the street and grab your child if you see this man walking by? How absurd.
If you are not keeping a close enough eye on your child to ensure they are not abducted or molested, you are a complete fool. In fact, parents are usually pretty good about not allowing their children to fall into the hands of strangers. That would be why most sexual assaults are not committed by total strangers. Keeping this in mind, what good could the sex offender registry possibly be? You should be cautious of all new people you meet and even more cautious of who you allow to be in the company of your child without your direct supervision. This stupid registry will not prevent bad parenting or lax supervision. I wish it were possible to stop mentally inferior people incapable of protecting their children from even having children in the first place, but alas, that it totally impossible.
The only thing sex offender registries serves to create is an unreasonable, unjustified sense of fear in the community. Oh no. That poor old guy who has never been properly socialized to interact in a normal manner with his peers just moved in next door. Forget the fact he is clearly beyond troubled. Let’s publish all of his personal information on a website and allow people to post giant signs in his yard which state “Sex Offender Lives Here!” Yes. That is really helping his attempts at reintegrating into society and getting back to a normal life.
The truth is, many sex offenders are successfully rehabilitated. Clearly no method will fully prevent every kind of offender from going back to their bad ways, but can we not give these people the benefit of the doubt? Do we keep a registry of where all the thieves live? People who commit property offenses have great motivation to reoffend. Why don’t we track them? When I come home and my TV is gone, I would like to know where the closest burglar is so I can have the police go fuck with him about my missing flat screen – A flat screen that I obviously didn’t care too much about as I left my apartment door unlocked while I left so someone could easily waltz in and take it. It’s absurd, isn’t it?
If you give a flying fuck about your children (and you should), you should be overly cautious all the time. Not just when there is a sex offender in your neighborhood. There are plenty of new sex offenders just waiting for the opportunity to butt rape little Bobby when you turn your back. Are we so foolish as to think keeping track of existing sex offenders will rape-proof our children?
Please note, I am not attempting to alleviate sex offenders of their responsibility for the atrocious things they have done and the negative lifelong effects their actions will undoubtedly have on their victim. I’m just saying…target hardening is not just some irrelevant theory in my text books. It’s beyond sad that people who like to touch little kids exist. It really and truly is. But, as the non-mentally ill parties in this dynamic, it is our responsibility to help them help themselves. Those parents who thought Michael Jackson was anything but a rich version of the creepy guy in a van with candy are idiots. (The man had every child’s dream in his back yard for God’s sake. Why would you let your son hang out there?)
What spurred all this was a slide in my crime prevention class earlier today where the lovely state of Wisconsin (or some other W-state), has decided to put “sex offender” on the drivers license of convicted sex offenders. In three different places. In case you missed the first two bright red warnings this guy had sex with a girl a few years under the legal age of consent, there are three chances for your retarded ass to catch this. Great.
What pissed me off most was this older woman in the class said “that is a great idea.”
No. Actually, you misinformed, fear-thriving twat, that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Think of all the places you are required to show your state ID. When buying movie tickets? When Test driving a car? When buying a case of beer? Does the idiot working at McDonald’s checking that the name on my credit card and ID match really need to know I’m a sex offender? I think not. Why is it necessary to put someone’s criminal history on their driver’s license? It’s not like it was a DUI and we should be warned this person is getting tanked, swerving all over the road and killing innocent people. (Oh, speaking of offender populations which have a high rate of recidivism!) Sex offenses and driving seem totally unrelated in my opinion. If anyone has any insight on the matter, hook a bitch up. Do you ID people you meet? How could this possibly serve as a deterrent to future offending? In reality, this is just further alienating people, many of which may be trying to move on with a semi-normal life.
Contrary to what the misinformed, fear-thriving general population thinks, offenders feel remorse for their actions. There will always be the few-and-far-between heartless serial killers who will stab you, fuck your dead body (perhaps in your eye socket), stab you a few more times and then eat your body parts. Sure. But in reality, with proper rehabilitation, a lot of these real people gain the empathy they lacked before and understand why what they did was wrong.
It takes a certain amount of faith in our fellow humans to believe this. Maybe that is why people are so eager to condemn the pants off sex offenders. (That joke was funny for so many reasons and I didn't even realize it at first.) We’re willing to believe in a big man in the sky that created the earth in seven days and then sent his son down to walk on water…
But have faith in one another and the inherent good that surely lies somewhere within us all?
Fuck that.
Megan's Law,
sex offenders
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Let's Talk About: The Fab Five
Apparently I've been living under a rock...or I just didn't pay enough attention to the high school drama that made its way onto the national news scene. Can't say I'm too upset about that though.
If you too aren't familiar with the girls of McKinney North High School outside of Dallas, here is my very brief, very biased synopsis:
---Once upon a time there were five spoiled ass white girls, one of which was lucky enough to have a mommy who was also the principal of McKinney North. These spoiled ass white girls all happened to be cheerleaders who thought their shit didn't stink. Allegedly, these girls told teachers to fuck off while talking on their cell phones in class, flipped other teachers off and were just generally a pain in the ass.
---One day, a new cheer coach comes to town and the girls end up stealing her cell phone and send her husband and someone else lewd text messages. (Why the coach was so upset about the girls sending her husband raunchy texts is beyond me. Perhaps she realized teenage girls could better entertain her man and was mortified.) When new coach tries to get the girls in trouble...surprise, surprise, Mom the principal isn't too interested in handing out punishments.
Oh yeah, and somewhere along the way, the girls post questionable pictures of themselves on MySpace.
Oh, and then the mommy principal gets fired. Once again, surprise.
The part about this that makes me super excited is the pictures on MySpace. While the infamous candle picture has clearly been removed before Internet whores like myself could get their hands on them and mass produce them with hilarious captions, rumor has it the girls are in a sex shop or something and are making inappropriate gestures with penis candles.
Talk about friends I'd like to have.
If administrators and other people over the age of 40 think this shit doesn't happen, they're fools. That's how our generation is...lewd and unapologetic. I don't care if this bimbo cheerleader is stuffing a phallic shaped candle up another cheerleader's ass. Since when were we expecting high school'ers to be the epitome of maturity or good role models? They are young, impressionable and foolish as hell. Does it really matter? What does the big picture have to do with the MySpace pictures?
The big picture is...someone raised these girls to be this way. Older generations attempt to blame us for the way we've turned out but I mean, someone is (ir)responsible, and it's not just us.
On the verge of real adulthood myself, I can safely say there is a picture of me with a stolen leg bone from a skeleton in my mouth at a bar around Halloween time. Aside from the fact it was totally unflattering, it also wasn't that funny so only myself and my cousin and a few friends have seen it. I almost couldn't stop laughing to put it in my mouth.
Maybe the biggest difference between our generation and those that came before us is the fact we're not phased by things like this. To us, it's really not a big deal.
Does anyone honestly believe the fab five in Texas are the only fab five out there? Are these the only girls who pose like this...?

To be honest, I see that shit going on so often that I can't even be sure those are the girls in question. Those pictures just came up when I Google'd them. The chick does appear to have a North cheerleading outfit on but even that could be a different "North."
I don't really see any reason why such a big deal was made over the pictures. There are also some pictures of the girls drinking while scantily clad. Once again, typical high school stuff, I'm sure of that. It was never my cup of tea but I can only imagine what takes place in high school social circles these days.
What bothers me most about these girls isn't that they faked sexual interest in one another to make their pictures funnier...nor is it that they posed with penis shaped candles while in a sex shop. What really sucks about these girls is their attitude. Their sense of entitlement at such a young age, an age where you have truly accomplished absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of life, is a tell tale sign it wasn't just created by their own self-worth. Mom and dad (if both parents are in the picture) did a great job of spoiling the shit out of these girls somewhere along the line.
I'm all for giving kids a cushy life. Passing on opportunities you were never granted as a child is par for the course in parenting as far as I'm concerned. Parents who cannot financially support their children to a very big extent aren't really doing their job. However, parents who cannot provide moral guidelines are guilty of the same.
High school kids are going to drink. High school kids are going to make obscene gestures. High school kids are going to do absolutely retarded things. Now a days, with the blessings of technology, high school kids are going to document these idiotic activities with their digital/cell phone cameras. None of that is alarming.
What's alarming is the fact these kids were ridiculously over-publicized for being just like every other spoiled brat in America. Lifetime even made a movie about their nastiness.
Sure, that did nothing for their already larger-than-life egos.
If you too aren't familiar with the girls of McKinney North High School outside of Dallas, here is my very brief, very biased synopsis:
---Once upon a time there were five spoiled ass white girls, one of which was lucky enough to have a mommy who was also the principal of McKinney North. These spoiled ass white girls all happened to be cheerleaders who thought their shit didn't stink. Allegedly, these girls told teachers to fuck off while talking on their cell phones in class, flipped other teachers off and were just generally a pain in the ass.
---One day, a new cheer coach comes to town and the girls end up stealing her cell phone and send her husband and someone else lewd text messages. (Why the coach was so upset about the girls sending her husband raunchy texts is beyond me. Perhaps she realized teenage girls could better entertain her man and was mortified.) When new coach tries to get the girls in trouble...surprise, surprise, Mom the principal isn't too interested in handing out punishments.
Oh yeah, and somewhere along the way, the girls post questionable pictures of themselves on MySpace.
Oh, and then the mommy principal gets fired. Once again, surprise.
The part about this that makes me super excited is the pictures on MySpace. While the infamous candle picture has clearly been removed before Internet whores like myself could get their hands on them and mass produce them with hilarious captions, rumor has it the girls are in a sex shop or something and are making inappropriate gestures with penis candles.
Talk about friends I'd like to have.
If administrators and other people over the age of 40 think this shit doesn't happen, they're fools. That's how our generation is...lewd and unapologetic. I don't care if this bimbo cheerleader is stuffing a phallic shaped candle up another cheerleader's ass. Since when were we expecting high school'ers to be the epitome of maturity or good role models? They are young, impressionable and foolish as hell. Does it really matter? What does the big picture have to do with the MySpace pictures?
The big picture is...someone raised these girls to be this way. Older generations attempt to blame us for the way we've turned out but I mean, someone is (ir)responsible, and it's not just us.
On the verge of real adulthood myself, I can safely say there is a picture of me with a stolen leg bone from a skeleton in my mouth at a bar around Halloween time. Aside from the fact it was totally unflattering, it also wasn't that funny so only myself and my cousin and a few friends have seen it. I almost couldn't stop laughing to put it in my mouth.
Maybe the biggest difference between our generation and those that came before us is the fact we're not phased by things like this. To us, it's really not a big deal.
Does anyone honestly believe the fab five in Texas are the only fab five out there? Are these the only girls who pose like this...?

To be honest, I see that shit going on so often that I can't even be sure those are the girls in question. Those pictures just came up when I Google'd them. The chick does appear to have a North cheerleading outfit on but even that could be a different "North."
I don't really see any reason why such a big deal was made over the pictures. There are also some pictures of the girls drinking while scantily clad. Once again, typical high school stuff, I'm sure of that. It was never my cup of tea but I can only imagine what takes place in high school social circles these days.
What bothers me most about these girls isn't that they faked sexual interest in one another to make their pictures funnier...nor is it that they posed with penis shaped candles while in a sex shop. What really sucks about these girls is their attitude. Their sense of entitlement at such a young age, an age where you have truly accomplished absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of life, is a tell tale sign it wasn't just created by their own self-worth. Mom and dad (if both parents are in the picture) did a great job of spoiling the shit out of these girls somewhere along the line.
I'm all for giving kids a cushy life. Passing on opportunities you were never granted as a child is par for the course in parenting as far as I'm concerned. Parents who cannot financially support their children to a very big extent aren't really doing their job. However, parents who cannot provide moral guidelines are guilty of the same.
High school kids are going to drink. High school kids are going to make obscene gestures. High school kids are going to do absolutely retarded things. Now a days, with the blessings of technology, high school kids are going to document these idiotic activities with their digital/cell phone cameras. None of that is alarming.
What's alarming is the fact these kids were ridiculously over-publicized for being just like every other spoiled brat in America. Lifetime even made a movie about their nastiness.
Sure, that did nothing for their already larger-than-life egos.
mckinney north high school,
the fab five
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