Monday, July 30, 2007

Let’s Talk About: Landfills.

Every once in a while, when I’m feeling like wasting some gas on a nice evening drive, there’s a certain route I always take. My friends first showed me this course and I thought it was some kind of swamp. It turns out it’s an area where the local dam (Dover Dam) lets water overflow. It’s pretty interesting nonetheless. There are some dead type trees and, not to mention, lots of stars. And it’s always fun to pretend like there’s a swampthing living out there somewhere.

Anyway, one time I noticed a blue flame at the top of the hill to one side of the “swamp.” I didn’t think anything of it aside from assuming it must be some sort of factory. I saw the same one on multiple occasions but never anywhere else.

Then, while driving my route during the day, I noticed lots of garbage trucks going in and out of the area. I never saw where exactly they were headed until one day, I caught two at the same time entering and exiting a lot. It’s only a short distance from the dam. (In the picture above, the flood area is past the dam and to the left. The truck’s destination is before the dam, on the left as well.)

I took a philosophy class this spring and the professor mentioned something about mass amounts of garbage being dumped in north eastern Ohio by Canton.

Tonight, for the first time, I saw a shit ton of these blue flames so I’m pretty sure I’ve decided it has to be a big ass landfill. 

I Google’d it and this is what I got…

For those of you too lazy to read, here’s a summary:
“An appeal of the June 27 decision to allow a 170-acre expansion by Countywide Recycling and Disposal Facility will be filed on behalf of the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District board of directors.
“The expansion will take total acreage at the facility, located in Stark County’s Pike Township and owned by Republic Services Inc., based in Florida, to 258 acres.
“The decision from ERAC rejected claims from groups, including the joint solid waste district, the village of Bolivar and Club 3000 – a grassroots environmental group – that the Ohio EPA was in error when it granted a permit for Countywide to expand in 2003.
“The groups claimed that engineering problems and the danger of underground contamination of the water aquifer should have led OEPA to deny the expansion permit.”

Oh great.

And then some dude “…noted that recent odors were caused by workers drilling into the reaction zone and settlement on top of the landfill.”


So basically that swamp is pwn’d.

The end.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Let's Talk About: Michael Vick.

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Over the past few days, I've read a lot of semi-interesting opinions on this whole thing and I'd just like to let my two cents be known.

I have a pretty good understanding of the criminal justice system and I know that he is innocent until proven guilty. This is a right extended to all defendants in America. He does not have to prove his innocence; instead, the prosecution must prove his guilt. I understand. Really, I do. But I also understand he's a well-known player. I have no doubt that many kids look up to Vick as some sort of role model. This is not Vick's first run-in with the law. Whether you're a fan or not...he's a suspicious character.

Let's examine his history... Most noteworthy is the Ron Mexico incident. For those of you who aren't familiar, Vick allegedly gave some broad genital herpes. She sued him for this, claiming he didn't inform her of his infection before sleeping with her. (Surprise?) She also claimed he knew about his status because he was seeking medical treatment under the name "Ron Mexico." Vick settled out of court in April '06 for an undisclosed amount. Newsflash: You don't settle if you're innocent.

Then there's the time he shot a big fuck you to his fans after losing a game. That was about 6 months after he settled his Ron Mexico fiasco. He flipped not one, but two birds to Falcons fans. What was he thinking? I know he's apologized and been fined but really, that's just tasteless. If it weren’t for those obnoxious people screaming in the stands, your dumb ass wouldn't have millions of dollars or even a job. Very smooth.

I barely need to discuss the airport-water bottle incident with all these other random acts of stupidity but let's talk about it. Although he was not found to be carrying any type of illegal substance in the small compartment he claimed was for jewelry, it's suspicious. Not to mention, water bottles weren't allowed on planes at this point in time. Did he expect to breeze through security because of his fame? How arrogant. Whether you think it was for drugs or believe the jewelry bit, the other allegations made against him are enough to draw his character into serious question.

Now there is a chance he was involved with dog fighting. I don't feel as strongly as P.E.T.A. and some of those other hippie types do about animals but this is simply inhumane. I do not value the life of a dog over that of a human by any means but I believe no living thing should be forced to fight. Nor should they be subjected to the various means of torture animals kept to fight are usually raised in. Not to mention, I assume the conditions these dogs were living in were, oh, slightly under the means of a millionaire NFL star. These dogs could have been receiving better treatment than many people receive.

I understand people are still supporting him because he's yet to be convicted but will he become less popular upon conviction?

I sure hope so.

Vick is claiming he was not involved with the fights and wasn't even aware they were taking place on his property. If you own 50+ dogs and aren't aware of what exactly they're doing on the property, you're a fuck. If you own 50+ dogs and never actually see them with your own eyes, you're an even bigger fuck. He knew they were there. Why did he need so many dogs if he didn’t need to replace them on a regular basis? He had a kennel license but really...50 fucking dogs? That just blows my mind. Regardless of whether he was involved or not, he needs to be involved and therefore responsible for what is taking place on the premises.

For his sake, I hope there is some amazing evidence in his defense. For the sake of all the little kids who look up to him, I hope P.E.T.A. and the rest of the like, so quick to point the finger, are wrong.

As for star athletes being role models; let's examine what happened to Michael's younger brother, Marcus. He was on his way to being as well known as his big brother while playing at Virginia Tech. Then, despite his clear athletic ability, got his ass into so much trouble the team dismissed him "due to a cumulative effect of legal infractions and unsportsmanlike play." The 2006 draft proved quite the point; although many predicted he'd be picked as high as 3rd round, he wasn't picked at all. In May of 2007, even the Dolphins (the only team to show interest) released him.

Congratulations Michael. You've managed to ruin your own image and provide an encouraging example for your younger brother.

As he's stated numerous times, sports kept him out of trouble as a kid... it's unfortunate this life changing effect has apparently worn off.

Thanks for reading. :)

Let's Talk About: Girls.

I pity straight men. Seriously.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Let's Talk About: Hell.

Is there such a thing? I suppose it really depends on what type of religion you accept. I’m not really into organized religion however, so I’d like to speak about Hell from truth’s standpoint. Of course, truth really depends on your religion too. For my sake, we’ll just pretend that my truth is the right one since it’s not influenced by a belief in a widely accepted definition of God.

I like to think there is a Hell. Why would someone who is so obviously a sinner like to believe in a Hell? Well, as I stated earlier, since I don’t really take on a religion, I also don’t consider myself a sinner. I think there are things we all know we should not do and I think there are people who still choose to do these things. I am one of those people in the eyes of many, but I’ve convinced myself I’m safe from the fire and brimstone.

In hindsight, Hell is the very reason I so strongly rejected Christianity a while ago. Let’s think about this…people who do what they truly desire are told their desires are wrong and immoral and subject to damnation. Why in the world would I agree to a religion which damns me? That doesn’t seem a wise decision. I will never understand why people accept a religion they acknowledge they will disobey. Sure, God, assuming He is as wise and holy as we imagine, will forgive but do you really want to chance that? Is His forgiveness limitless like our stupidity? Seems too much of a risk. Therefore, I will avoid all religions which have determined I’m worthy of eternal torture.

My definition of sin is much different from the widely accepted definition as well. In my eyes, sin is a mistake you keep repeating. This makes sin completely different for everyone. If I cheat on a significant other and fully realize what pain this will inflict upon others yet continue to do so, I am a sinner. If John Doe down the street knows he cannot handle drugs and alcohol in moderation and allows it to consume him every time, he is a sinner. However, if I cheat on a significant other and get real about how much pain I have inflicted upon not only my significant other but also myself and lead a life of faithfulness from here on out, I have not sinned. If John Doe down the street can have a good time (with or without drugs and drinking) and still manage to get his shit done, he has not sinned.

In my head, so long as you do your personal best to be a "good person" (that is, not causing deliberate harm to others), you avoid Hell. I'm not saying you go to Heaven (whatever that is), you just are not punished in the way many describe Hell.

Being gay is not a sin. Last I checked, two dudes loving on each other didn't really hurt anyone. It may scare some people or make them uncomfortable but perhaps caring too much about how others live their life is a sin! Drinking and smoking are not sins in and of themselves. Cussing is not a sin so long as you do your best not to do it in front of little kids (they're young and impressionable you know). Suicide is not a sin, simply a decision to meet God sooner.

What is a sin? Intentionally hurting others physically, mentally, emotionally...financially, whatever. Stealing. Killing. Damning others. Cheating. Lying. Wearing spandex if you weigh over 90 lbs and it's not Halloween. Intentionally misleading others to benefit yourself and your cause (President Bush anyone?). Being an unproductive citizen. Not attempting to better yourself on a daily basis. Yes, all of these are Hell worthy in my opinion if they are a continuously repeated activity.

I also like to believe in Karma. According to my book, Karma is how you atone for most of your misdeeds. There are some things Karma can't make up for (e.g.: killing) but most things are eventually repaid. For this reason, I think attempting to make others pay is some type of sin. I enjoy being able to accept being wronged because I know things eventually catch up to the wrong do'ers of the world. Most of the time, Karma and the Universe do a much better job of making them "pay" than you and I ever could.

So is there a Hell? Yes. If you've been bad enough that no amount of Universe delivered ass-kicking can't make you change your ways or realize your mistakes, that's where you'll go. For most of us though, we'll pay our dues on earth.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Let's Talk About: Pregnancy.

Just a disclaimer before all the teenage moms start freaking out about what a blessing their child has been: fuck off. Really.

This must be the summer of love. Or perhaps the appropriate term is stupidity. I mean, this summer is probably no different than the rest as far as statistics go but in my personal experience, everyone and their brother has decided to get knocked up. Genius!!

I go to school four hours away from home so, for the most part, I'm out of touch with a lot of my area friends/acquaintances. I suppose this is for a reason...if I really wanted to know what was going on in their life, I'd bother them but that's not the kind of person I am. Huh. Anyway, upon arriving home this June, I found a letter addressed to me with the return address of a girl I've known since kindergarten. I was confused to find the return address of her parents so I opened the letter eagerly. "It's a Girl!" exclaimed the front of the card.

I shit you not...I nearly fell over.

This girl had been the star of our high school soccer team. She could've easily found some school to pay her way so long as she played. Not to mention, she was bright. Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, she decided not to continue her schooling after we graduated. The last time I met up with her (not even a year ago) she was living with an older guy who already had two kids and was divorced. Her mom appeared to be not so happy in her interactions with her and understandably so...her daughter was entirely too "on the ball" to be wasting her time watching someone else's kids. Her mom (and dad) were also notorious for being very strict throughout high school. She and I had been good friends and her parents were always on her back about her activities outside of school, soccer and work. We might have been doing some things we shouldn't have (smoking cigarettes, the occasional booze) but she was never a rebel or a fuck-up...nothing to be overly concerned about. Because of the way her parents always were, it was quite strange to open the baby shower invite and see that her mother was throwing it.

Needless to say, I didn't R.S.V.P. and I definitely didn't go.

I went to a distant cousin's graduation party a few weekends ago. I was expecting to see my female cousin who was around the same age as myself but when I asked her brother where she was, he said "she's at work." When I asked where his mom was, he said "at home with her baby." Well, that's news to me. Seems like just last September she was busted smoking weed. Now she's a mom? Talk about a bummer.

These are only two of the many girls I know who've recently gotten knocked up. I have but one question to girls under the age of 30 with no seriously committed boyfriend (ie husband), no higher education, no well-paying job, etc. and that is: what the fuck are you thinking?

These girls have yet to begin to live. You cannot possibly tell me you have done everything you feel you needed to before having kids at the tender age of 20-something. If you have, you've seriously miscalculated your purpose in the 21st century. The age we're in resembles nothing that was happening pre-1950. To simply graduate from high school and settle down and begin having babies is a joke. You are now permanently responsible for something outside of yourself. I doubt most girls my age have themselves well established enough to realistically fathom this.

Because the age we're in is nothing like it was back before the 1900's and even into the first half of the 20th century, men are nothing like they were. And when I say that, I mean they're not dependable. This is not to write all men off by any means. In fact, I believe men are justified in expecting their female counterpart to have a job, have money, have means for herself before attempting to partner with him for life but that's another entry. Because these girls are so young, I think it's safe to assume the fathers of their children are young as well. Aside from the fact men stereotypically mature slower than females, this is not a day in age where people normally get married at the age of 20. Maybe back in the 70's when our parents were young. Maybe. Even then, I can't imagine committing to something for the rest of your life with so little experience under your belt. If you're going to have a baby, you'd better realize absolutely nothing guarantees that this child's father will be around. He might claim to be in it for the long haul but really...he probably claimed he loved you before he so blatantly disrespected you by failing to use a condom or some other form of birth control...which brings me to another point:

The beauty of birth control. Pills, shots, IUDS, I can't even begin to name all the different options we have to protect ourselves from one of the worst STDs (yes, pregnancy is a STD). If you can't take advantage of such technology, take advantage of gas station bathrooms. Yes, they're absolutely disgusting 9 times out of 10 but they also have 25 cent (okay, maybe 50 with inflation) condoms! If you and your partner can't come up with a quarter each then perhaps you should be more interested in getting employed than you are in getting laid.

The most effective form of birth control is not abstinence. We all know that's what Bush is forcing sex ed classes to teach us in public high schools across the country but it's not realistic. Kids are still having sex. Unfortunately, we can't blame all the teenage pregnancies on the fact that Bush didn't allow us to practice putting condoms on bananas in health class. Who's never heard of a condom?

More importantly, who's never heard of an abortion?

I really love the girls who get up on their high horse about how against abortions they are and how they could never do that. How truly noble of you to ruin your life for the sake of a few cells that have yet to form a living being that can support itself without clinging to the side of your uterus. How truly admirable of you to have morality-based standards about abortions but no qualms about spreading your legs with random piece of shit men who aren't worth their weight in tin cans. (In case you're wondering, I think the average aluminum can goes for well under 5 cents and weighs about 1 gram. You do the math.)

I feel I have the right to bitch and moan about this because I truly feel sorry for these girls. At such a young age, they have decided they have nothing left to offer the world but a uterus with which to further crowd an overpopulated world. Quite unfortunate, no?

Everyone has the right to bitch and moan about this because, in the end, we will all pay for these foolish decisions made by others. These girls and guys making babies have yet to really contribute anything to society but feel no guilt about bringing a child into a world in which they've not managed to do their part in making it a better place.

Damn me. I believe having kids truly is a blessing...something one should be ready for and excited about, not surprised and unprepared. Kids aren't just an 18 year sentence to a no fun zone where you attempt to sneak a drink or puff in while they're asleep. I want to be sure I'm done being me (which is admittedly irresponsible) before I become a parent (the definition of responsible).

That's all for now, thanks for reading. :)

PS: The pics of your baby or documenting your pregnancy don't belong on MySpace. Please.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Let's Talk About: Love.

Sick. Even the word “love” is enough to make me almost gag. It’s not that I’m against strong personal feelings towards another person. I think people who claim this are disillusioned. I’m against the way other people talk about love. It seems like almost every idiot with a MySpace has begun some ignorant attempt to boldly display what love has been for them…how badly it has hurt them, how crazy in love they currently are, whatever.

Because so many people (morons included) are being given a chance to voice their opinion on love, I’ve begun to realize how silly people are about it. I guess I’ve always considered love to be some sort of mature emotion you express naturally to other people that you really care about. Not something you tried once and got burned by…not something you express to someone you met a few days ago. I’m not asking that other people take my definition of something so personal…I’m just asking that they stop being complete fucks about it.

I suppose my biggest pet peeve is the broken heart. You know, the person who claims to have been in love a few times but the last time, they were wounded so severely they couldn’t fathom succumbing to such a thing ever again. The best words of advice for the broken heart: get over it.

I’m sorry you fell in love with someone who was completely undeserving of yourself but let’s get real – that’s life. If you are so selfish as to wish to never be hurt, then you too are undeserving of the good which can come from love. As with all of life, love is a gamble. You cannot possibly keep everyone out so get used to the fact that you can, in turn, be hurt by others. When you learn not to expect perfection (or even common courtesy) from others, including those you love, you will become a more lovable person yourself.

I wish you luck in your frivolous attempts to guard yourself from the bad in life. Even more luck in attempting to identify "good" when you’ve spent so much of your time avoiding or trying to avoid the bad.

That's all I have for today. As always, thanks for reading.