If you too aren't familiar with the girls of McKinney North High School outside of Dallas, here is my very brief, very biased synopsis:
---Once upon a time there were five spoiled ass white girls, one of which was lucky enough to have a mommy who was also the principal of McKinney North. These spoiled ass white girls all happened to be cheerleaders who thought their shit didn't stink. Allegedly, these girls told teachers to fuck off while talking on their cell phones in class, flipped other teachers off and were just generally a pain in the ass.
---One day, a new cheer coach comes to town and the girls end up stealing her cell phone and send her husband and someone else lewd text messages. (Why the coach was so upset about the girls sending her husband raunchy texts is beyond me. Perhaps she realized teenage girls could better entertain her man and was mortified.) When new coach tries to get the girls in trouble...surprise, surprise, Mom the principal isn't too interested in handing out punishments.
Oh yeah, and somewhere along the way, the girls post questionable pictures of themselves on MySpace.
Oh, and then the mommy principal gets fired. Once again, surprise.
The part about this that makes me super excited is the pictures on MySpace. While the infamous candle picture has clearly been removed before Internet whores like myself could get their hands on them and mass produce them with hilarious captions, rumor has it the girls are in a sex shop or something and are making inappropriate gestures with penis candles.
Talk about friends I'd like to have.
If administrators and other people over the age of 40 think this shit doesn't happen, they're fools. That's how our generation is...lewd and unapologetic. I don't care if this bimbo cheerleader is stuffing a phallic shaped candle up another cheerleader's ass. Since when were we expecting high school'ers to be the epitome of maturity or good role models? They are young, impressionable and foolish as hell. Does it really matter? What does the big picture have to do with the MySpace pictures?
The big picture is...someone raised these girls to be this way. Older generations attempt to blame us for the way we've turned out but I mean, someone is (ir)responsible, and it's not just us.
On the verge of real adulthood myself, I can safely say there is a picture of me with a stolen leg bone from a skeleton in my mouth at a bar around Halloween time. Aside from the fact it was totally unflattering, it also wasn't that funny so only myself and my cousin and a few friends have seen it. I almost couldn't stop laughing to put it in my mouth.
Maybe the biggest difference between our generation and those that came before us is the fact we're not phased by things like this. To us, it's really not a big deal.
Does anyone honestly believe the fab five in Texas are the only fab five out there? Are these the only girls who pose like this...?

To be honest, I see that shit going on so often that I can't even be sure those are the girls in question. Those pictures just came up when I Google'd them. The chick does appear to have a North cheerleading outfit on but even that could be a different "North."
I don't really see any reason why such a big deal was made over the pictures. There are also some pictures of the girls drinking while scantily clad. Once again, typical high school stuff, I'm sure of that. It was never my cup of tea but I can only imagine what takes place in high school social circles these days.
What bothers me most about these girls isn't that they faked sexual interest in one another to make their pictures funnier...nor is it that they posed with penis shaped candles while in a sex shop. What really sucks about these girls is their attitude. Their sense of entitlement at such a young age, an age where you have truly accomplished absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of life, is a tell tale sign it wasn't just created by their own self-worth. Mom and dad (if both parents are in the picture) did a great job of spoiling the shit out of these girls somewhere along the line.
I'm all for giving kids a cushy life. Passing on opportunities you were never granted as a child is par for the course in parenting as far as I'm concerned. Parents who cannot financially support their children to a very big extent aren't really doing their job. However, parents who cannot provide moral guidelines are guilty of the same.
High school kids are going to drink. High school kids are going to make obscene gestures. High school kids are going to do absolutely retarded things. Now a days, with the blessings of technology, high school kids are going to document these idiotic activities with their digital/cell phone cameras. None of that is alarming.
What's alarming is the fact these kids were ridiculously over-publicized for being just like every other spoiled brat in America. Lifetime even made a movie about their nastiness.
Sure, that did nothing for their already larger-than-life egos.
#RNS My school be on the news every year n we still have got a movie i mean damn i know uit not that surprising to see white girls out of control... damn that reeal fked up. well now i feel like my high school experience was much more entertaing for your eye... yeah #North Forest High - ForestBrook High
Are you sure you even went to high school? You obviously cannot spell or write a complete sentence. They have some real winners at Forest Brook High!
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