This weekend marks the second time I have flown in the last seven or eight years. The last time I flew was back in 2003 and it was international (I spent three weeks in the UK). Because I was traveling with a large student group, I arrived at the airport ridiculously early and thought nothing of it. Perhaps security restrictions weren’t all they’ve become lately or perhaps my memory just fails me. Regardless, I would like to dedicate this blog to real truth, justice and safety. Not the outlandish ideas of truth, justice and safety we’ve been chasing since that fateful day in September.
This is by no means an attack on the honorable government employees who have chosen to uphold and enforce these silly laws. This is however, an attack on the administration which created their jobs and this foolish notion of “safety” in what can only be considered an attempt to scare the American public. I respect every individual who makes an honest living, especially one of civil service. I understand the general population is a nasty breed and I give these people props on dealing with the impatient fucks of the country who cannot be bothered with the extra twenty minutes it takes them to get through security. I’m not one of these fucks as much as I like to complain about these procedures. I do not consider myself rude or disrespectful towards Transportation Security Officers. I just think their job is a joke and I’d like to see my tax dollars going towards something which will really protect me and my fellow citizens. (Please note: I retract every nice thing I said in this paragraph if you’re one of those officers who “randomly” selects all the brown people to be searched…I’m onto you.)
The truth of the matter is, if my plane goes down because some crazy terrorist fuck has smuggled a weapon or explosive past security, I will not point my finger at the Transportation Security Administration. (Maybe because I wouldn’t have a finger to point, but that’s beside the point…okay, too much pointing.) At the same time, if my plane arrives at its destination safely, I do not thank my lucky stars for these people either. In my ever-so-humble opinion, if something is meant to be, no amount of “safety” precautions will prevent it. I don’t care how many screeners you pass my bag through or how much toothpaste you’ve confiscated. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Let’s make sense now. I know it’s hard for the people running our country to fathom such logic, but I’m going to break it down as easy as possible. The terrorists who we believe were responsible for 9/11 are long gone. And the future generations of potential terrorists are a bit smarter than we’re willing to admit. Even if it weren’t for the recent spike in security measures, I am thoroughly convinced potential terrorists would not attempt to attack America in the same manners previously used.
The fact a small number of people were able to overtake a majority of passengers and pilots using box cutters in the first place is almost laughable. I am not implying the attacks which took place that day could have been put down with a simple act of bravery or vigilantism but everyone with a less than empty head on their shoulders can admit it is absurd. So while we’re focusing all our efforts and resources on ensuring the airways are safe to travel, these future terrorists are spending their time wisely scheming how to sneak attack through the backdoor we never even fathomed. I mean, if I wanted to send a message to America (or the entire fucking world), the first thing I would do would be to get my pilots license and fly over, say Disney World, and drop some kind of incurable disease all over that hellhole. Not only are they poisoning everyone at the park but everyone these people (who are potentially oblivious) come in contact with for the duration of their trip. And once they get home, success…the virus has spread all over the state, country, globe and the real mayhem can begin.
I wonder if the Patriot Act prevents me from even thinking about such things. If something horrible like this incident I have theorized in my head ever happens, I’d like to state here and now – I am not responsible. I love my country too much for that and, quite honestly, I am too damn lazy to exert the effort required to follow through with such a laborious task. I’m just pointing out; as far as I know, this is a brilliant plan which could be carried out with little to no hindrance. And all this time, we’ve been worried about making people throw out their hand lotion which exceeds 3 ounces. Doesn’t it seem a bit trivial?
I concur, we need someone or something to make our flights safe but if we want to be so anal about flying, shouldn’t we at least consider the other ways in which our country is open to attack? Well, I suppose if we could worry in moderation, it would be advisable. It appears, however, moderation is unpopular at this point in time.
The bottom line is, let us not overcompensate for past mistakes. I believe the government had at least a slight indication or warning of the things to come and I believe someone quickly brushed it under the rug as impossible. We are America, the unstoppable nation, he must have thought. And what American can blame him? Admitting we are vulnerable is admitting we are weak.
But what is a greater travesty – being truthful about the chinks in our armor or pretending to be invincible and thus putting ourselves at an even larger risk?
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Well said.
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